A few words about the Author Eric Lafayette
I lived and worked in a few Countries in different continents and under different Regimes:
I was born in Casablanca Morocco in Africa when it was a French Colony but Morocco became Independent when I was 6 years old, I lived there until was 18 years old and finished high school with a diploma called Baccalaureat. Morocco was a Kingdom with no Democracy. It was like living under a Monarchy in Europe in the 15th century. My Family, myself and my Friends experienced first hand how unfair a Monarchy could be. It is a government where to say the least the rule of law and fairness does not apply.
Then I then went to work in Spain which at this time was ruled by Franco as a Dictatorship.
There was a guardian in every building and residential park who was a paid informant and reported everyday to the police about the whereabouts and guest of the tenants and their conversations.
People close to the Dictator could do almost anything even unlawful and get away with it but the common people did not have a say on anything.
I then went to live in France, mostly in Paris. I was always surprised that the power was really in the hands of a relatively small number of people and that the press self censured itself so much. Although it is a Democracy One does not have the feeling that if One is not extremely well connected One cannot do a thing about making Democracy better every day.
French Democracy evolves by crisis every 5 or 10 years and in the meantime nothing is done for the people.
In France relationship between the People and the government is essentially conflictual through major strikes and street protests.
In addition I traveled extensively around the world and has visited five continents
Since I have been living in the USA for about 14 years I have become a great admirer of the American Democracy and I am trying to revive the Knowledge of the History of Democracy which seems to be fading away in many sections of the American Society.
Based on the Principles of Modern Democracy I try to raise a red flag with a passion by writing essays and books when current events show that the Principles of Modern Democracy are trampled upon, I try too to signal when events in the society or actions taken by leaders increase the scope of the Democracy field. My writings are under the name Eric Lafayette and are accessible on these websites:
www.fordemocracy.com and www.alltheperspectives.com and http://www.meetup.com/French-Language-Friends/
I am surrounded by very talented partners and that makes my job exiting.
In addition one of the constant thread in my life is my love of animals. I have been a horse trainer and horseback ridding instructor in the Jumping - Dressage -disciplines all my life.
I wrote and had a book published called: " Essentials and fundamentals in Jumping" and I am writing another book called "A French Cowboy"
I hope you liked this short but candid overview.
Best regards
Eric Lafayette
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